Want to know where the clothes go? View the virtual tour

Who do we help

The children

Firstly, this programme benefits all the children who participate. It is a great programme for the children as it encourages them to work together and also teaches them about the environment and the importance of recycling. This is invaluable as it is important that younger generations become aware of the impact that waste has on our environment.

Developing countries

Once the clothes leave your school, they are stored in our warehouse where they are channelled through a processing mechanism and sold on to developing countries. This creates employment both here and abroad. Typically a bale of used clothing is sold wholesale to market traders in these countries where poor families can purchase wearable and affordable clothing.

Our environment

Finally, through this programme, you are helping to save the environment. It is estimated that more than 1 million tonnes of textiles are thrown away every year in the UK. By collecting unwanted clothes for recycle 2 school you are helping to reduce this amount and you are making a real difference to our environment.

It’s no longer our planet – it’s our children’s planet.